
G-STAR RAW: Checkout system

Serving over 4 million customers across the world. This checkout system currently in production can be viewed here. You'll have to add something to your cart first ;)

My top learnings

    • React 18+
    • Upgrading from class to functional components + hooks
    • SAP Hybris
    • Redux at scale
    • Smart/Dumb pattern
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Angular 8/9/10 single page applications. JAMStack sites integrated with microservices

Responsible for the performant implementation of Angular apps to service over 1 million users using the latest and greatest front-end technology.

My top learnings

    • SPA optimisation
    • Angular 9+ IVY engine benefits
    • Netlify JAMstack hosting
    • Angular content-projection (transclusion)
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Hungry Lion big burger banner

South Africa's first HTML5 mobile activated banner advert. A campaign to generate leads (location and mobile numbers) for our client. And thus the start of my web animation love-story. Watch the case study video

My top learnings

    • Pure CSS3 animation
    • Performant web animations
    • Poly-filling CSS animation for cross-browser support


    • Standard Bank MMA Smarties Award (GOLD)
    • The Assegai Awards (Integrated Direct Marketing Campaigns) (SILVER)
    • The Loerie Awards Company (Digital & Interactive - Internet Advertising) (Finalist)
    • IAB BOOKMARKS (Finalist)
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Savanna Cider HTML + GSAP.js animation library bottle reveal

Launching the new bottle with style and flair! A fully responsive scrolling animation experience that moved from CSS3 to GSAP.js to give it that performance punch.

My top learnings

    • GSAP.js animation library
    • Physics and advanced web animations
    • Responsive animations


    • 2016 IAB SA Bookmark Awards (Finalist)
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Fulfilling the clients request for a seemless experience between desktop and mobile to deal with Kenyan network speeds. This site was optimised to have a Google pagespeed result of over 90 at the time. We built a site the could be themed with the clients category colors.

My top learnings

    • SVG theming
    • CSS currentColor variables
    • LQIP (Low quality image placeholders)
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Three Ships Whiskey - Art Of Whiskey Making SVG animated experience

A scroll-activated animated interaction of the whiskey crafting process. Using the power of SVG line animations and CSS3 for a simple yet effective process illustration.

My top learnings

    • SVG
    • SVG animation powered by CSS3
    • Scroll intersection javascript activated animations
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